Министерство обороны России продолжает ежедневно сообщать о ситуации в приграничье Курской области, атакованном Вооружёнными силами Украины
The main idea of the text is that the Russian Ministry of Defense reports significant losses for Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region.
Key points:
* Russian troops inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian forces in multiple areas of the Kursk region.
* Over 250 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in action within a single day.
* Since the start of the conflict in the region, Ukrainian forces have lost nearly 45,000 soldiers.
* The Russian military continues to attack and weaken Ukrainian positions.
The text focuses on highlighting the successes of the Russian military and the mounting losses of the Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region.
The main idea of the text is that the Russian Ministry of Defense reports significant losses for Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region. Key points: * Russian troops inflicted heavy losses on Ukrainian forces in multiple areas of the Kursk region. * Over 250 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in action within a single day. * Since the start of the conflict in the region, Ukrainian forces have lost nearly 45,000 soldiers. * The Russian military continues to attack and weaken Ukrainian positions. The text focuses on highlighting the successes of the Russian military and the mounting losses of the Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region.